Fire Cider
What is it? Commonly an apple cider vinegar based infusion that can be made with many different variations and ingredients. Most common ingredients include; horseradish, onions, garlic, hot peppers, ginger.
What is a Caesar?
To my American and Canadian friends, this is for you!
The wildly popular Caesar Cocktail was invented in Calgary, Alberta in 1969! It quickly became beloved by Canadians where over 350 million Caesars are consumed annually. It typically contains vodka and Caesar mix (a blend of tomato juice and clam broth, hot sauce and Worcestershire sauce, and is served over ice in a large celery salt-rimmed glass. Take a lick of the celery salt and then a drink of the Caesar through the straw.
This is my personal favourite drink! The recipe here, using our Flaming Caesar fire cider, puts it over the top for me!
Caesar Recipe
- 8 oz of Clamato juice (may substitute with tomato juice)
- 1 oz vodka
- 1-2 tsp Flaming Caesar Fire Cider (our secret ingredient! See below to make) Top with any of these classic toppings: Celery stick, olives, pickles, pickled asparagus or beans. Many carnivores even enjoy a meat stick. Rim with celery salt. My personal favourite addition in the summer is a straw made with a hollow Lovage stalk. (Lovage plants are available in stores or online, at Richter’s Herbs)
Flaming Fire Cider Recipe
- ½ cup chopped Horseradish (freshly dug is best)
- 1/8 cup garlic chopped
- ½ cup chopped Onion
- 1 Lemon (zest and juice)
- 1 Lime (zest and juice)
- 1-2 slices Jalapeno pepper
- ¼ tsp Mustard seed
- ½ tsp Red Pepper flakes
- 1 pinch Sea Salt
- 1 pinch Black Pepper
- 2-3 tsp. Celery Salt
- ¼ tsp. Paprika
- ½ tsp. Turmeric
- 2 tsp. Oregano
- 1 tbsp. Pickle juice
- 3 dashes Worcestershire
- Apple Cider Vinegar
How to Make:
- Chop your roots, and place in jar.
- Cover with vinegar.
- Add all other ingredients and shake well.
- Store jar in cool dark place for one month. Shake lovingly each day!
- Strain mixture through cheese cloth into a clean jar and label.
*Note: Organic ingredients or farm fresh are always preferred!

Penelope Beaudrow
I am a Registered Herbalist and educator who has devoted the past 25 years to helping others foster deep and resilient connections with the living intelligence of the natural world and the regenerative, healing forces of plants and the medicine they carry.
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