Welcome to my Studio
Or, more accurately, my life on the eastern shores of the Georgina Island First Nation.
Here, from my home and small studio, I can look across the waters of Lake Simcoe and see Beaverton, Ontario. Although one can witness a spectacular sunset on the west side of the island, I so enjoy the sunrises – when I’m up in time!
I am Anishinaabe Kwe, an artist, a plant medicine practitioner and a spiritual seeker. I love all things that support creativity and well-being, and believe my purpose in life is to be inspired or be “in spirit” and to inspire others. One needs to be inspired to create! To create a painting, to create a medicinal tea, or to create a life full of joy… In the end creativity is a way to well-being.
Art and Medicine
I create eastern woodland style First Nation art pieces that are inspired by my island environment. Georgina Island has unique flora and fauna and a variety of birds and animals that fill my spirit with such joy. I paint loons, herons, eagles, hummingbirds and anything that calls to me to create. My work also captures floral patterns that are based on traditional Ojibwe beadwork designs. My first creative love was Ojibwe beadwork that my mother taught me when I was 12 years old.
My other passion is for the plant medicines, particularly the traditional medicines that have blessed our territory for hundreds of years. It is an honour when our elders pass on the traditional teachings of these medicines for both their spiritual and medicinal uses, as those teachings are meant to live on. The elders tell us that the plant medicines may speak to us, but only if we choose to listen will they will heal our bodies, minds and spirits. In Anishinaabe culture we have four sacred medicines; tobacco, sweetgrass, cedar and sage and we use these medicines in our ceremonies.
I have a vision of the plant medicines in my art. They are asking that I include them and capture their essence in another medium, other than tinctures, salves and teas. I can’t wait to see what more comes!

Lauri Hoeg
Lauri Hoeg is Anishinaabe Kwe and a proud member of the Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation where she lives and creates in her studio by the water called, “Eagles in the East”. Inspired by her First Nation culture and island surroundings, Lauri loves to create. Whether she is at her easel, gathering wild foods to cook with or herbs to make a medicinal tea, it fills her spirit.
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