Medical Terminology
abortifacient – inducing abortion
anti-abortifacient – an agent that prevents abortion or promotes successful gestation
adaptogen – improves the body’s ability to adapt to stress
adjuvant – aiding the action of a medicinal agent
alterative – blood purifier
analeptic – restorative or stimulating effect on central nervous system
analgesic – relieve pain
anaphrodisiac – reduces capacity for sexual arousal
anesthetic – induces loss of sensation or consciousness due to the depression of nerve function
anodyne – relieves pain
anthelmintic – an agent which expels worms
antianemic – preventing or curing anemia
anti-asthmatics – relieving or counteracting the symptoms of asthma
antibacterial – destroying or stopping the growth of bacteria
antibilious – acts on the bile, easing stomach stress
antibiotic – inhibits the growth of, or destroy, bacteria, viruses or amoebas
anticatarrh – reduces inflamed mucous membranes of head and throat
antidepressant – therapy that acts to prevent, cure, or alleviate mental depression
antidiabetic – preventing or relieving diabetes
antidiarrhetic – substances use to prevent or treat diarrhea
antiemetic – stopping vomiting
antiepileptic – relieves fits
antifungal – destroying or inhibiting the growth of fungus
antihemorrhagic – controlling hemorrhaging or bleeding
anti-infectous – counteracting infection
anti-inflammatory – controlling inflammation, a reaction to injury or infection
antimalarial – preventing or relieving malaria
antimicrobial – destructive to microbes
Anti-neoplastics – aid the body in reasserting order and structured organization in the affected cancerous tissue
antioxident – prevents or inhibits oxidation
antiperiodic – arrests morbid periodical movements
antipruritic – preventing or relieving itching
antipyretic or febrifuge – agent that reduces fever
antirheumatic – easing pain of rheumatism, inflammation of joints and muscles
antiseptic – agent used to produce asepsis and to remove pus, blood, etc.
antispasmodic – calming nervous and muscular spasms or convulsions
antitussive – controlling or preventing cough
antiviral – opposing the action of a virus
aperient – a very mild laxative
aperitive – stimulating the appetite for food
aphrodisiac – substance increasing capacity for sexual arousal
aromatic – stimulant, spicy
asepsis – sterile, a condition free of germs, infection, and any form of life
astringent – agent that constricts and binds by coagulation of proteins a cell surface
bitter – stimulates appetite or digestive function
cardiotonic – increases strength and tone – normal tension or response to stimuli of the heart
carminative – causing the release of stomach or intestinal gas
catarrhal – pertaining to the inflammation of mucous membranes of the head and throat
cathartic – an active purgative, producing bowel movements
cholagogue – an agent that increases flow of bile from gallbladder
cicatrizant – aiding formation of scar-tissue and healing wounds
counterirritant – agent producing an inflammatory response for affecting an adjacent area
demulcent – soothing action on inflammation, especially of mucous membranes
deobstruent – removes obstructions
depurative – purifies the blood
dermatitis – inflammation of the skin evidenced my itchiness, redness, and various lesions
detergent – cleansing to boils, ulcers, and wounds
diaphoretic – increases perspiration – syn: sudorific
discutient – dissolves and removes tumors
diuretic – increases urine flow
dysmenorrhea – painful menstruation
dyspepsia – imperfect or painful digestion
ecbolic – tends to increase contractions of uterus, facilitating childbirth
emetic – produces vomiting
emmenagogue – agent that regulates and induces normal menstruation
emollient – softens and soothes the skin
errhine – bringing on sneezing, increasing flow of mucus in nasal passages
escharotic – a caustic substance that destroys tissue and causes sloughing
esculent – eatable as food
estrogenic – causes the production of estrogen
euphoriant – produces a sense of bodily comfort; temporary effect and often addictive
exanthematous – remedy for skin eruptions and diseases
expectorant – facilitates removal of secretions
febrifuge – an agent that reduces or relieves a fever
flatulence – excessive gas in the stomach or intestine
galactagogue – an agent that promotes the flow of milk
hemagogue – an agent that promotes the flow of blood
hemostatic – controls the flow or stops the flow of blood
hepatic – having to do with the liver
herpetic – treating skin eruptions relating to the herpes virus, ringworm etc.
hypertensive – raises blood pressure
hypoglycemant – agent that lowers blood sugar
hypotensive – lowers blood pressure
lactifuge – reduces the flow of milk
lithotriptics – dissolve and eliminate urinary and biliary stones and gravel
laxative – substance that acts to loosen the bowels contents
masticatory – increases flow of saliva upon chewing
Musculoskeletal – strengthen bones and connective tissue
narcotic – induces drowsiness, sleep, or stupor and lessons pain
nauseant – produces vomiting
nervine – calm nervous tension and nourish the nervous system
neuralgia – severe sharp pain along the course of a nerve
nutritive – rich in vitamins and minerals; a source of easily assimilated nutrients
opthalmicum – a remedy for disease of the eye
oxytocic – stimulate uterine contractions to assist and induce labour
parturfaciant – induces contractions of labor at childbirth
pectoral – remedy to relieve chest affections
purgative – laxative, causes the evacuation of intestinal contents
pyorrhoea – degenerative disease of the gums
resolvent – dissolves and removes tumors
resorbent – aids reabsorption of blood from bruises
rheumatism – a general term for acute or chronic conditions characterized by inflammation of the muscles and joints – includes arthritis, gout, bursitis, myositis, and fibromyositis
rubefacient – agent which reddens skin, dilates the vessels, and increases blood supply locally
sedative – exerts a soothing, tranquilizing effect on the body
sialagogues – stimulate the flow of saliva
soporific – inducing sleep
stimulant – temporarily increases body or organ function
stomachic – aids the stomach and digestion action
styptic – arrests hemorrhage and bleeding
sudorific – acts to increase perspiration
tonic – a substance that increases strength and tone
trophorestorative – nutritive and restorative to the nerves and nerve tissue
vermifuge – expels worms
vulnerary – a medicine used in the healing of wounds